Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My story about going through Postpartum Depression

I hesitated on posting a blog about such a touchy subject but after awhile of thinking about it I thought it would be helpful for other Mom's to know that is more common than what we all think. 

A month after having my littlest guy Cayden, I knew there was something wrong with the way I was feeling. There is moderate-severe cases of postpartum depression and mine fell under a moderate category. 

I am a 21 (22 this May) year old with two kids. Carson going on 2 in April and Cayden will be 5 months on the 1st of April. My Husband is in the Military and we live clear cross country from family! I think the fact of not having that much family support (as far as not having family here helping out) mixed with the feelings of hating my post-baby body played a big roll with my depression. 

I was nervous about seeking help or even mentioning it because I didn't want people to assume that I "hated my kids." Because I love both my boys with all my heart and I would never "hate" them but, this was something I just thought people would think when I mentioned I thought I could have postpartum depression. 

After some convincing from my Mom I made the decision to schedule an appointment with my doctor. At my appointment  I had found out that postpartum depression is more common then I thought it was and I felt comforted knowing I wasn't the only Mom going through this. 

Like I previously stated this is such a touchy subject for me to blog about but by posting my story, I am hoping Mom's know by saying you may have postpartum depression doesn't automatically make people think your a "crazy" or "suicidal" (again the things I assumed people would categorize me under both completely untrue, I am far from crazy and far from hurting myself or others!) 

So I am going to share with you some things I have been doing to "lighten" my mood and I am feeling a lot happier!!

I got a hobby for myself to enjoy. I blocked off my kitchen with a baby gate and I call that "my space" lol. 
I took junk food out of my diet and started eating more healthier
I set house chores aside and started spending more times with my kiddos. (Chores can wait till they are napping or in bed for the night!)
My Husband and I started cooking together. With no family here to watch our kids for a "date night" spending quality time with my Husband is hard to squeeze in.
I took ten-minutes out of my day to spend some time to relax and squeeze in UV Rays. I know tanning is bad for you, but living in a rainy state with hardly sun-light I was in dyer need to get some UV Rays in my life.
I started working out. The reward of working out is so amazing and makes you feel accomplished! 

I hope this blog will help other Mom's out, whether or not you have postpartum depression I think it's good for all mothers to take some time out of the day to enjoy time their selves! 

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