Monday, April 2, 2012

A day at the Beach.

With summer approaching we are very anxious to get out to the beach. Until then we figured we can improvise by bringing the beach indoors.. in a smaller version :] 

Trying to think how I can put this concept together, it finally kicked me. Brown sugar as the sand and a little bit of blue colored water for the "ocean/lake." That way if my little guy so happened to put it in his mouth it wouldn't taste yucky or be bad for him. (besides the sugary part). 

I took a 9x13 casserole dish and loaded one of the sides with brown sugar and the other water with a couple drops of blue food coloring. This look really pretty till I moved it into the dining room and the brown sugar mixed into the water. 

So this is going to be messy so be sure to lay something down before you let kiddo join in. I lined my dining room table with plastic wrap. 

Once everything was ready I grabbed some of Carson's bath toys and let him enjoy "the beach" he LOVED it! :]

We even dumped some brown sugar on the table and made "sand castles" 
Trying to pat the sand for the castle 

Also the Bath was good bribe to get him away from the "beach" Carson loves bath time!

This is going to get messy, so I recommend doing this before bath time. 

And what's a day at the beach without "ice cream?" (Frozen Greek yogurt, very good 70 calories with 6 grams of protein!! I found them at Costco 9 dollars for a 12 pack)

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