I just entered a chance to win a photo shoot, you wrote in your love story and from there it may or may not be chosen to be the winning won. Keep you fingers crossed my story wins.. My Husband and I really deserve some nice pictures of just the two of us.
I thought I would share Our Story with you Lovely people. I apologize for the grammar errors and the random mumble jumbles, for I am not a professional writer :]. I hope you enjoy reading it. Please feel free to share your Love story :]
Hello There,
______ had sent me a link to your contest and I would like to tell you my own love story. I like to think of it as my own little Nicholas Sparks Novel.
May 10th 2008 was the first day I met eyes with my now Husband. He showed up to my Birthday Party with his friend that was mutual friends with me. I know this sounds totally cliche but, there was something about him that drew me towards him. I was giving him my undivided attention all night, wanting to know all about him.
At the end of the night, we had exchanged numbers and that was that. From that night on we became extremely close and I never felt so close to someone before nor wanted to give someone all my free time. We were in love but neither one wanted to be the first to say it.
Surprisingly in the month of February he had told me he had signed up from the Army and was headed to Basic Training in January. I had so much hate towards him, him allowing me to fall in love with him and then leaving me to join the service. Me being the supporter I am I encouraged his decision and praised him for passing the tests needed to join.
The day he left for Basic hit me hard, It was a cold snowy day (that turned into a blizzard.) I stayed over his house to snuggle up with him one last night, thinking that our new found love was over with. I still remember how nervous he was to kiss me goodbye and even told me he was sorry. I laid in bed that whole day in tears thinking I would never hear from him again (Seriously.)
In determination to keep our love strong. I wrote to him every night just to make sure there was a letter sent out to him every morning. So every day for 4 months he received a letter from me.I couldn't let this one go, I thought that if I showed how dedicated I was with our relationship and that we could work long distance, our love will never fade.
Graduation from Basic came and he soon was able to come back home on leave for two weeks. Never did I know that leave would change my whole life, on the day of May 14 2009, just one year of knowing him. He walked out of the shower and simply asked me "Would you like to get married?" While in Basic he had told me he will find a way to get me to WA with him, this was not what I thought he had in mind. I simply responded "Yes I will Marry you!"
We got our documents ready to get "Hitched" drove down to the court house and had a simple vow exchange on the side of the stair case in the court house. No rings, No Friends or Family, just Him and Myself. Two people madly in love both young, both shaking nervously in front of a complete stranger making such a big decision.
I waited patiently for a month to finally be able to move to where he was stationed and there, we were able to spend our first time together as Mr and Mrs. Two months into our marriage we got some good news shared with some bad. The good news was that we would be expecting our first child and the bad, that my New Husband would be deploying for Iraq in September. The month we had left together went by so fast and soon it was time to send him away on that blue painted school bus to an "unknown" world we only here bad things about on the News.
Being left behind pregnant tore me up inside, I didn't want my Husband and now the Father to my Unborn Baby in harms way. I went nine long months being pregnant without being able to share any ultrasounds, lamaze classes or anything pregnancy related with my lover my by side. Lamaze classes would have me in tears looking around seeing all the proud Fathers rubbing their babies through their Mommy's stomachs.
April 29th the original due date for my little one... Our little one whom was a boy that we would be naming Carson. April 27th the scheduled C-Section I had planed since my "big" baby was 10 lbs 4 oz. April 24th Carson decided to come early so early, that I wasn't able to share such a precious moment with Husband. My Husband was just 3 hrs shy of missing the birth of our son.
My Husband went 6 months without seeing his son. His departure date to come back home was for mid April.
My son and I packed up all of our stuff and moved cross Country to get a home situated before my Husband got home (During my Husbands deployment I moved back home, I didn't want to do a pregnancy alone). I will never forget the way I felt when I received my phone call from the Army telling me I was going to be reunited with Husband in so many hours. (I forgot I think it was 12 hrs or something.)
We sat in a crowded gymnasium filled with Wives, Children , Happy Parents and Family members holding up signs and crying with tears of joy knowing they will soon be holding their loved ones in their arms again.
The screen stopped playing the Disney movie they had playing for the children and a live footage of our soldiers landing came on. The room filled with cheers and tears of joys. Our men were finally home! From then we waited about two more hours... The Gym doors opened and in Marches our Men, this is when my tears started. Once they cleared us to go find our loved ones I dashed off holding my son in my arms on a search to find my husband and hold in my arms once again... The moment of both pride, happiness, and all the good feelings you can get overwhelmed my body!
5 months of my Husband being home we found out that at the age of 20 and my Husband 21 we will be having a second baby.. That gives our kids about a 9 month gap between ages. Cayden Christopher was born November First, 2011. This time with my Husband by my side and our oldest boy waiting patiently to greet his new brother.
In May my Husband and I will married for 3 years. And we'll have known each other for four years. This month my Husband will be getting out of the Army and we'll be heading back home to start a new chapter in our lives. Hopefully a big wedding we were never able to have!! :]
So within 3 years, we have experienced a deployment, and two pregnancies. My Husband and I are still just as in love as we were the first day we met, if anything our love has grown stronger.Raising two Babies alone with no "Husband and Wive" time has been hard on the both of us. So if we win this photo, I feel it will help make up for all the times my Husband and I have lost out on spending one on one time together and the "engagement" photos we never got to experience.
Thank you for taking the time in reading my Love Story. I am sorry for all the grammar errors and it being such a long story. I hope you enjoyed reading it!
Our first son, Mr Carson |
Welcoming Cayden into the World |
These picture's were us being reunited after his Deployment |
Before we went to the hospital to give birth to our second boy |
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