So my 8 month old has, this crazy diaper rash going on. I have tried EVERYTHING under the sun to help his little tush.
While talking to my Grandma, I had mentioned this issue to her and she gave me a home remedy that has been passed on through the family. (Or maybe at least my Aunts and Uncles)
This is known to work wonders, and out of all the cousins I have (8 total) this has been the best diaper rash solution.
These are the ingredients you need:
Desitin- Original
A+D Ointment
Lotrimin (or a Anti fungal cream)
Maalox or Mylanta (I used Alka-Seltzer because I had this on hand however it took 90 years to crush up the tablets lol but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND not using Alka-Seltzer I had to re do it and use Maalox)
Here is the Maalox, I have yet to find it in the actuall brand but Kroger Brand does have it and it's cheaper I bet!!
Why the ingredients?
Maalox/Mylanta- Reduces the irritation from the acid in the stools.
Lotrimin/Anti Fungal- The bad diaper rashes involve yeast which the anti fungal helps to reduce that.
How to make it.
Mix equal parts of all the ingredients with a cap full of Maalox. This is sort of a trial and error type of thing until you are able to get it to a thick paste.
This is what the final product should look like.
Put the cream into a container that has a lid so you are able to have multiple uses! :]
You are able to use this Remedy as often as your change your little one. Good Luck and I hope this helps Your Little One!
This worked so well on a horrible rash that I kept ignoring, lazily attributing to teething. I was so relieved that this provided quick results