Tis the time to start Potty Training in the Yarnell Household. With Carson Being 27 months old, he is starting to show interest in the Potty.
Potty Training should be fun and Successful for a child and that is what I am trying to do for My little guy.
This is my Big Boy, giving the stand up method a try!
Sit down Method
To help his excitement for this new step in his life I went out and bought these two things for him.
Carson loves Elmo!! The DVD really caught Carson's attention and as for the book, we bring that into the Bathroom with him while he is on the potty!
Another thing I came up with, was our own chart!
Here is what I came up with. On the left side, all his "pees" will be counted and the right, his "poos." Each parent can have their rewards. I chose to give Carson a Candy after 10 pees (a BIG candy) and for Poo's after 10 a toy (a simple Dollar Store would be good!) Each time he goes pee/poo I do reward him little treats. For our Potty Training chart I laminated it for multiple uses when used with a dry erase marker.
Since it's summer, to let Carson be aware of it being "time to pee" I will occasionally let him run around outside without a diaper. Letting him know, when it's time to go pee run up to a bush and pee on it... He loves this idea and gets a big kick out of it.
Some other ideas I heard and are trying some as well are to help with Potty Training Success are.
-Buy some inexpensive toys, wrap them up and allow them to choose one after their accomplishment of successfully using the potty.
-Another is, remain positive. If your little one has an accident, don't discipline him/her for it.
-Put Cheerios in the toilet as an aiming device.
-Make up exciting songs about Potty Training.
-Use a sticker chart.
-Start a tradition, after every successful run follow up with an activity. Do this every time your little one uses the potty (like color, or paint, play a special game)
-Pick out fun "Big Boy" under wear with prints that appeal to your toddlers likings.
-Die the Toilet water Blue or Red that way when the pee hits it, it turns the waters color.
-Put the diapers and diapering utensils further than normal and every time you change your little ones diaper, have him/her go grab all the supplies.
Please share your success stories and add some tips if you have them!