So After some searching I have recently found out I have an abdominal split after having two very large babies!
I am blogging about this because some women don't even realize they have it and without proper exercise these muscles will never "go back." So all these normal crunches and ab exercises I have been doing have actually been making this split worse!!!
This is a very helpful video to see whether or not you have it-
So I will give you a little summery of how to test to see if you have it.
- Lie on the floor knees bent with your pelvic floor lifted, then "crunch" your head up half way.
- Take three fingers and place them down the center line from your belly button up.
- Run your fingers up and down that line and don't be afraid to sort of push down.
- If you can fit all three finger within that "line" at any point, you my friend as well as I have an abdominal split. :[ Boo!
So I didn't really explain that into full detail so if you want to test yourself, I really recommend watching the video above.
A good note is that this "split" can be easily closed through proper exercise. Which Youtube as a lot of those.
Mom's into Fitness YouTube Channel!
Mom's into Fitness YouTube Channel!
After lots of google"ling" I have notice this is a common thing that can occur in both men and women. Both Men and Women through rapid weight gain. Women generally from pregnancy or through the pushing of labor.
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