Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summers Ear Treatment!

With the pool ready and a new Bathing Suit in hand.. I am sure you can share the excitement that overwhelmed my body!! 

Summers here and time to have bonfires, lay out by the pool, have BBQ's and I know on my Summer Bucket List going to Cedar Point is a must!! (After all we only live like 45-1hr away!) 

Any ways I am getting out of the purpose of this post.

Both boys took a nap and my Husband and I were able to experience some alone swimming time... Well to my Husband that means "Body Slam" me into the water! :( As soon as this happened instantly I could feel both my ears fill up with water..

Growing up Ear Infections and Swimmers Ear has always been a issue! 

I managed to get one ear drained but the other was being stubborn. 

Here is the trick I used to get my ear back to normal.

Fill the cap to the Hydrogen Peroxide up and slowly poor in ear (I hate the feeling of this part so my Husband has to hold me down and do it, or else it will never be done... lol it reminds of us trying to give our boys medicine)

Any ways, you want to make sure your laying in a relaxing position because, you'll be here for awhile! 

Lay on your side for a good 15-20 mins meanwhile your going to hear popping and sizzling in ear... and maybe a bit of an itch. 

Once done, flip your head so the ear filled with the peroxide is facing down now. Either hold a bowl or if you use a towel make sure you give it some space between your ear!

Let it drain for a bit and finish off my taking a towel and wiping your inner ear. 

This method can also be used for ear infections and a way to get the inner ear wax out of the ear! 

Have fun swimming! 

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